Day 1 Learning at Home with The Reading Realm: Diary Writing
Come and join us today and find out all about how to keep a diary, the type of things you could write about and the sheer joy of journaling!
Come and join us today and find out all about how to keep a diary, the type of things you could write about and the sheer joy of journaling!
Grab a pen and paper and join us for our end of week book quiz!
We are VERY excited to announce the details of The Reading Realm Poetry Competition with Neal Zetter! To win a signed and dedicated copy of Gorilla Ballerina by Neal Zetter:
🏰🌟Here’s our timetable of EXCITING activities for next week’s live videos at 11am! There’s a poetry competition, sign language, read-a-longs and a book quiz! Please do share and spread the
What is Pink? by Christina Rossetti What is pink? A rose is pink By the fountain’s brink. What is red? A poppy’s red In its barley bed. What is blue?
At The Zoo (1845) by William Makepeace Thackeray First I saw the white bear, then I saw the black; Then I saw the camel with a hump upon his back;
We had great fun today sharing this classic poem by Edward Lear and learning the sign language to accompany it too! We even wrote our own version of the poem
DAY 1 Learning at Home with The Reading Realm presents… The Velveteen Rabbit Thank you so much to those who joined in with today’s story! Below is a menu of
Come and join us in The Reading Realm Facebook Group on Monday 23rd March 2020 at 8.40am for a story and some creative activities for the day! We have made
Come and join us in The Reading Realm Facebook Group on Monday 23rd March 2020 at 8.40am for a story and some creative activities for the day! We have produced
Come and join us in The Reading Realm Facebook Group on Monday 23rd March 2020 at 8.40am for a story and some creative activities for the day! We have produced
Lots of schools have been asking about a banner they can add to their website to let parents know about The Reading Realm, which is amazing! Here’s a banner you