Today we welcome bestselling children’s author Holly Webb into The Reading Realm to discuss her new book Museum Kittens: The Pharaoh’s Curse...
Without giving too much away, can you tell us about your new book ‘Museum Kittens: The Pharaoh’s Curse’?
This is the second book in the series, and it stars Tasha – who is my favourite of the kittens, until I start thinking about all the others and how they’re my favourite too… Tasha is a storyteller. She loves the museum because she finds all the exhibits and their stories so fascinating, and she knows lots about Ancient Egypt! In this story a new exhibit comes to the museum, a piece of the Book of the Dead, and strange things start to happen…
How is this book similar to the first in the series ‘Museum Kittens: The Midnight Visitors’? How is it different?
This book is still set in the secret world of the cats who guard the museum, but the main focus this time is Tasha, rather than the new kitten Peter.

The story is full of Ancient Egyptian myths and history. What research did you have to do for the book? Do you have a favourite Ancient Egyptian fact?
I did a lot of reading about the Book of the Dead, which is a list of helpful instructions and prayers for the afterlife. It’s fascinating! My favourite (truly weird and rather uncomfortable) Ancient Egyptian fact is actually about the way later generations treated them. From the 1600s to about 1920, people used mummies to make paint – a colour called Mummy Brown.
Can you remember how you felt when you saw the illustrations by Sarah Lodge? What do you feel they add to the story?
I don’t know what to say about Sarah’s illustrations without jumping up and down and squealing. They’re fabulous. Sarah actually did the most wonderful character ideas while I was still writing the first book, and I feel like her illustrations have been a huge part of the story for me. I loved her Ancient Egyptian artefacts, especially her statue of the goddess Bast, who has a major role in this story!
What’s in store for the kittens next?
The next book is about Bianca, the spoiled white fluffy kitten. Let’s just say she has a run-in with the rats…
Finally, can you describe ‘Museum Kittens: The Pharaoh’s Curse’ in three words?
Sweet, spooky and funny!