We are thrilled to join Jenny Pearson today on her virtual blog tour! Today Jenny talks about the fabulous illustrations by Rob Biddulph in their new book The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates…

There are so many people who have been involved in turning The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates into a REAL BOOK and each and every person brings a unique talent that has made the book something far beyond even my own imaginings but a truly exciting moment was when I first saw the wondrous illustrations that Rob Biddulph produced. I do go on about this a lot and it is probably getting to the point where he might feel uncomfortable – but I can’t help it. I love the illustrations so much.
Here is Llewlyn-the-Great, a boat moored in Barry Island where Freddie and his friends, Ben and Charlie, inadvertently – and without proper permission – end up staying the night. In the story, the boys fall in the water during a heated argument and then Charlie decides to try and dry them on Llewlyn-the-Great’s oven hob. Not a good idea as he ends up setting fire to their clothes. This was inspired by the time I put my bra into the microwave, and it went up in flames. Luckily, I beat it to death with a spatula.
In The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates I didn’t want to shy away from the grief Freddie felt when he lost his Grams. I wanted to say that we can still love people, even if they are no longer with us. But I also wanted to show children that there is humour to be found, even at the darkest of times. And this is why I wrote a scene where Freddie accidentally ends up sniffing his grandma’s underpants. Rob’s illustration here manages to convey both the humour and the sadness.

You can continue the virtual blog tour here!